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Writer: luxetiquetteluxetiquette

Updated: Jun 12, 2019

Modern office space arrangement offers less privacy to its inhabitants. However, it is not an excuse to forget about Etiquette. The fundamental rule of Etiquette tells us to respect people and treat them as you want to be treated yourself. Respect can be shown by minimizing distractions.

Our greetings to everyone!

Etiquette tackles upon any aspect of our everyday life – family, friends, society and business. Those of us who work 40 hours a week spend most of their time in the office and it is very important to feel comfortable and satisfied there, is it not right? It is obvious that a modern office space arrangement offers less privacy to its inhabitants. However, it is not an excuse to forget about Etiquette. The fundamental rule of Etiquette tells us to respect people and treat them as you want to be treated yourself.

Respect can be shown in various ways, for example, by minimizing sense distractions. Today we are going to talk about smells. It could be anything like smell of food, perfumes, lotions, body odors, aftershave or after smoke scents.

Some people are sensitive to smells,they feel bad at the slightest scents. Even sweet aromas can cause nausea, an itchy nose and other unpleasant symptoms. Smells come in a multitude of guises so a good manner will be to keep scent subtle in the office.

One should also pay attention to personal hygiene. If you bike to work, spend your break outdoors or go out for a smoke, make sure you come back to your desk clean and fresh.

If your colleague does something you find disrespectful or distracting, talk to him first calmly and politely. If you do not feel comfortable doing so yourself, ask your manager or an HR person to do so. Do not leave the issue to fester. The person distracting you may not even be aware of a problem.

We at LSCE have developed a set of Business Etiquette workshops including the Office Behavior one. The best way of setting up proper rules in the office is to organize a company workshop. Advise your HR to engage an outside consultant like LSCE to speak with people on such delicate topics.

We look forward to seeing you at our event.

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